
Launching Global eLearning:

First Steps for Localizing Training Content


Translated content used to train employees, such as eLearning courses, videos, and manuals, needs to ensure that the end-user is getting the most out of their learning experience. A lot of the effectiveness of eLearning courses depends on the quality of the language in the training materials. To encourage full comprehension and engagement, eLearning content should be available in each employees’ native language.

Best Practices for:

  1. Writing for a global audience.

  2. Preparing for localization.

  3. What should you discuss with a translation partner before signing a contract?

  4. What does a good workflow for an eLearning translation project look like?

Give your end-users the full learning experience on your Global eLearning platform, by localizing your training content. Download this eBook to learn the ropes of the initial steps.

Launching Global eLearning: First Steps for Localizing Training Content - eBook
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